Telegram payments via StarsI have recently added Stars payment to my Telegram bot and was impressed how easy it was, and in next 15 minutes you’d be able to add stars…Sep 17, 20241Sep 17, 20241
Published inYotpo EngineeringDecreasing headaches with frontend icons libraryImagine you have an icon library that is used by ~50 developers among 8 frontend apps written in various frameworks. What is the best way…Sep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
Stop running tests on precommit hookЕсли вы с кем-то ведете дискуссию о том, нужно ли запускать тесты на прекоммит хук и вы ПРОТИВ такого подхода — я с вами, а это именно та…Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Github actions: basic conceptsWhat is this and how to remotely run tests on every push using a tiny config file?Jul 13, 2020Jul 13, 2020
jest vs jasmine: main differencesWhat’s the difference between them, why switch, and why is Jest standalone while Karma is always paired with Jasmine?Feb 17, 20205Feb 17, 20205
Простой jira-бот для вашего слака на NodeJSили любой другой базовый бот на нодеJul 10, 2019Jul 10, 2019